Everton Tsosie



2018                BFA degree, University of New Mexico, ABQ, NM.


Selected Exhibitions

2017                Santa Fe Winter Indian Market, Santa Fe Plaza,

                        Santa Fe, NM

2018                Speed and Time are None of Our Business, CFA Downtown Exhibition,

                        Albuquerque, NM

2019               New York University/ Voices, Kimmel Windows Exhibition,

                        New York, NY

2020                Santa Fe Virtual Indian Market,

                        Santa Fe, NM

2020                Santa Fe Winter Virtual Indian Market,

                        Santa Fe, NM

2021                63rd Heard Annual Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair and Market; Virtual,

                        Phoenix Arizona

2021                Urban Native, Ellsworth Gallery, Aug. 27 – Nov 7, 2021; Santa Fe, NM

2022                64th Heard Annual Guild Indian Fair and Market, March 3-4; Phoenix, Arizona

2023                Off the Grid Exhibition, Theater for the New City, Nov. 4 2022- Jan. 2, 2023, New York, NY

2023                65th Heard Annual Guild Indian Fair and Market, March 4-5; Phoenix, Arizona
2023                101th Annual Santa Fe Indian Market, August 19-20; Santa Fe, New Mexico
2024                66th Heard Indian Market, March 2,3; Phoenix, Arizona
2024                33th Annual The Autry American Indian Arts Festival, June 8, 9; Los Angeles, California
2024                102th Annual Santa Fe Indian Market, August 17, 18; Santa Fe, New Mexico


2012                O’Quirke, Sheila A. Taking Back the River, Printed in USA, 2012. Cover Drawing

2020                Colores NMPBS “The last of the Pure” Santa Fe Indian Market award winning             

                        painting. Albuquerque, NM

2021                Inhale. Exhale., Southwest Contemporary Vol. 3, Printed in Arizona, Made in New Mexico, Fall 2021

2021                Albuquerque Artist brings figures to life with a deep look into the Native Soul, Albuquerque Journal,                                      Kathleen Roberts, Assistant Art editor, Nov. 14 2021

2022                The Native American Warrior, Acrylic on Canvas, Native American Art Magazine, February 2022
2023                Explosive Absurdity; Chaotic emotion is thrown onto canvas by rising modern art painter                                        Everton Tsosie.Native American Art Magazine. Erin Joyce. 08/2023-09/2023 issue.